Adding a credit card to your account

The Account & Bills section of a sipgate account is only visible to account administrators.

Credit Cards accepted by sipgate

  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • American Express

Adding a new credit card to your account

You can add / change your credit card options at any time:

  • Within the Account Administration section, click on Account & Bills.
  • On the left side of the Account Statement page, under Automatic crediting, click Edit
  • To add a new credit card click Add new type of payment 
  • Ensure all details are correct and tick the I authorise sipgate to charge my credit card with the amounts due box.
  • Click Save

Note: After adding the "new" card to the account, if you wish this card to be the account's default card, you will need to set the radial button to the left of the cards details to mark it as the default card and then Save.

To remove a credit card from your account

  • Under Account & Bills open Crediting
  • For the card you wish to remove click delete
  • Please note, You can only remove a credit card that is NOT set as the default card for the account.

General "Credit card" Notes

  1. Automatic Crediting by credit card is a pre-condition of the sipgate service, to ensure your account's monthly recurring service charges are met. Without setting up automatic crediting by credit card, it will not be possible to book monthly team service plans, bundles or phone numbers with your team account.
  2. All credit card transactions are carried out through our secure payment system. Your payment will be credited to your account immediately.
  3. Automatic Crediting can only be set-up for credit card payments.
  4. It is not possible to add credit to a sipgate account using a US credit card.
  5. The available payment methods are Credit Card (AMEX, MC & VISA) and Bank Transfer via your online sipgate web account. We can't guarantee that payments using a Debit Card will be successful. Payments using Prepaid cards are not supported.


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