100 Trying |
Call setup in progress. |
180 Ringing |
The recipient’s device is signaling an incoming call. |
183 Session progress |
Connection is being established. |
200 OK |
Call accepted or device registered. |
301 Moved permanently |
Permanent call forwarding active. |
302 Moved temporarily |
Temporary call forwarding active. |
400 Bad request |
Incorrect parameters in the request. |
403 Forbidden |
No permission to place this call. |
407 Proxy authentication required |
Authentication needed for outbound calls. |
408 Request timeout |
No response, possibly due to network issues. |
480 Temporarily unavailable |
Recipient unavailable (e.g., DND active). |
481 Call does not exist |
Status message not received. |
482 Loop detected |
Call forwarding loop detected. |
488 Not acceptable here |
Unsupported codec, encryption, or transmission method. |
500 Server error |
General server issue. |
502 Bad gateway |
Incorrect or faulty gateway. |
503 Service unavailable |
SIP service temporarily down. |
603 Declined |
Call rejected manually or automatically. |