sipgate Softphone issues and solutions

Important: For Windows, macOS, and Linux, we recommend using our sipgate app CLINQ, which provides various integrations.

Below, you'll find solutions to known issues with the sipgate Softphone app and the sipgate Webphone. Most testing was conducted on Windows desktop PCs, not Windows Server environments.

Outgoing calls fail or incoming calls trigger errors immediately

In many cases, the sipgate Softphone app lacks microphone permissions. Below are instructions to enable microphone access for both the sipgate Softphone and Webphone.

  • sipgate Webphone on Google Chrome
  • sipgate Webphone on Mozilla Firefox
  • sipgate Softphone on Windows 10
  • sipgate Softphone on Windows 11
  • sipgate Softphone on macOS

Using the sipgate Webphone
If you’re using the Webphone directly in your browser, the cause of the issue is often similar: the browser lacks microphone permissions.

For Google Chrome
If microphone access is blocked, you’ll see a red crossed-out microphone icon in the address bar. Click the lock icon to the left of the web address, view site information, and re-enable microphone access.

For Mozilla Firefox
Click the settings icon to the left of the web address to view permissions. Ensure the microphone option is set to "Allowed."

If no microphone option appears or it shows "Blocked," click the microphone icon in the Webphone interface to prompt the browser for microphone access.

Using the sipgate Softphone App
Ensure microphone access is enabled in your operating system settings:

  • Windows 10
    • Allow apps to access your microphone
    • Allow desktop apps to access your microphone
  • Windows 11
    • Microphone access
    • Allow apps to access your microphone
    • Allow desktop apps to access your microphone
  • macOS
    Open SYSTEM SETTINGS PRIVACY & SECURITY MICROPHONE and enable microphone access for the sipgate Softphone app.

Testing WebRTC errors

Refer to the getting-started guide for WebRTC test configurations for Firefox and Chrome.

Exporting Softphone logs

Open the "Help Center" menu in the Softphone app and click the export button. A ZIP file will be saved in your Downloads folder.

Locating logs for login issues

  • Windows: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\sipgate-softphone\logs
  • macOS 11.4: Users/USERNAMELibrary/Logs/sipgate-softphone (Logs folder may not exist)
  • macOS 11.5.1: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Logs/sipgate-softphone

Common errors across operating systems

  1. WebRTC error without a Softphone message
    Normal if the call is terminated during dialing.

  2. Busy tone on outgoing calls (SIP 486)
    The number is busy or rejected the call.

  3. 503 error for reachable numbers
    Local Docker IPs may interfere. Disable virtual network interfaces.

  4. “Number Not Available” error
    Verify the number. If it’s reachable but only via sipgate, contact support.

  5. Login issues

    • Manual code page displayed: Disable pop-up blockers or manually copy the code.
    • Error page after clicking "Login": Allow access to in your firewall.
    • Invalid code error: Check for spaces/special characters, generate a new code, or use the Webphone temporarily.
    • VPN blocking login: Disable VPN or resolve with IT support.
  6. Offline softphone or White Screen

    • ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED: Firewall blocking network access. Allow access to sipgate Softphone.
    • ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED: Check network connection or enable network adapters.
    • ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: Allow access to in firewall/hosts file.
  7. Restricted numbers
    sipgate doesn’t support special numbers (e.g., 0137, 0900). Use for alternatives.

  8. Registration failure (Status Code 408)
    Restart the Softphone or refresh via Softphone ➔ View ➔ Reload.

  9. Status code 401 authentication loop
    Generate a new SIP password in your sipgate account.

  10. Connection dropped after sleep mode
    Restart the Softphone or refresh the page (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R).

  11. Firewall/NAT issues
    Ensure firewalls, routers, or VPN configurations allow access to sipgate domains and protocols.

  12. Blocked IP ranges
    Allow IP ranges, and in your firewall.

  13. WebSocket errors (Offline Phone)

    • Windows Defender: Add the program path in outbound rules and allow connections.
    • Firewall Issues: Ensure sipgate Softphone has unrestricted internet access.

For additional assistance, contact sipgate support.


Answering calls using Bluetooth headset buttons doesn’t work.
No event is triggered. Apple allows only Play/Stop buttons for music applications. Possible solution: use Windows with the headset.

When making a call, the message “Could not access microphone” / “Call failed: Microphone not found” appears.
Go to macOS ➔ System Settings ➔ Security ➔ Privacy ➔ Microphone ➔ Enable sipgate softphone. Then close and restart the softphone. Calls should now be possible.

Alternative: In Kaspersky Internet Security ➔ Settings ➔ Protection ➔ Application Control ➔ Manage Applications ➔ Search for "sipgate" ➔ sipgate softphone ➔ Restriction: set to Trusted.

No notifications/push messages about incoming calls are received.
Activate push notifications in the softphone settings or allow MacOS notifications.

No audio prompt when dialing number 10005.
Check where the audio is output on the operating system and adjust settings if necessary.

My voice isn’t recorded (wired headset).
If the headset is muted, disable mute on the headset/cable switch.

Alternative 1: Uninstall and reinstall the headset drivers/software.
Alternative 2: Go to System Settings ➔ Security ➔ Privacy ➔ Microphone ➔ Enable the "Browser" app.
Alternative 3: Test another headset or switch to the microphone on the tablet/laptop.

My voice isn’t recorded / The caller isn’t heard (Bluetooth headset).
Sometimes the headset appears twice: Speaker/Communication Device “Hands Free.” If audio playback is only possible in stereo mode, problems occur. Select Communication Device “Hands Free.”

My voice is transmitted in fragments, but I can hear the caller clearly.
Insufficient upload bandwidth (60–100 kbit/s) might be available. Disable uploads in the network if possible or assign a specific bandwidth. Otherwise, switch from UMTS/LTE to Wi-Fi/DSL/cable/fiber.

The caller’s voice is received in fragments, but I’m clearly understood.
Insufficient upload bandwidth might be available. At least 60–100 kbit/s is required. Disable uploads or assign a specific bandwidth in the network. Alternatively, switch to Wi-Fi/DSL/cable/fiber.

My voice transmission is delayed.
If using satellite internet, switch to DSL/cable/fiber/LTE if possible. For virtual machines (VMs) like Hyper-V/VirtualBox, disable the VM network controller if the VM isn’t being used.

My voice is transmitted, but I receive no audio from the caller.
Ensure the correct output device is selected in the softphone’s audio settings.

Alternative 1: Increase the volume in the Mac audio settings or directly on the headset.
Alternative 2: Unlock RTP/audio proxies in the hardware firewall.
Alternative 3: Disable SIP ALG in the router/modem.

AirPods: Audio quality decreases when the microphone is active.
Avoid using the AirPods microphone. Instead, set:
Mac ➔ System Settings ➔ Sound ➔ Output: AirPods
Mac ➔ System Settings ➔ Sound ➔ Input: Mac Microphone
Softphone: Microphone Input: Mac Microphone / Audio Settings: AirPods

Poor audio quality (stuttering/crackling).
Insufficient bandwidth during Wi-Fi use with multiple devices might be the issue. Calls require 100–200 kbit/s, while video streams need 1–2 Mbps. Disable optional Wi-Fi devices or use LAN instead of Wi-Fi.

Poor audio quality / stuttering / crackling due to high latency or packet loss.
An improperly terminated process may be consuming system resources. Restart the computer completely. If the problem persists, restart network devices or switch the Wi-Fi channel. Check network usage and prioritize internet telephony in the router.

Mac Finder doesn’t delete all sipgate folders during uninstallation.
After uninstalling sipgate softphone via Finder ➔ Applications, manually delete the following folders:

  • com.sipgate.desktop
  • com.sipgate.desktop.ShipIt~/Library/Saved Application State/
  • com.sipgate.desktop.savedState~/Library/Preferences/
  • com.sipgate.desktop.plist~/Library/Application Support/
  • sipgate-softphone
  • @web-apps

Softphone shows offline status and opens a network path in Finder.
The softphone was likely installed from a local server. To fix this, uninstall it and reinstall it from the local Mac hard drive.

Softphone shows network access in Finder/offline when the local server is unreachable.
Check System Settings ➔ Users & Groups ➔ Login Items ➔ Remove sipgate auto-start entries linked to the local server. Delete local server file paths.



Installation stops at around 33%.
Temporarily disable antivirus software and retry the installation. If Symantec is installed, disable it temporarily to complete the installation. Alternatively, use the webphone in sipgate’s login area or another VoIP app.

Softphone shows a spinning hourglass indefinitely.
The firewall likely blocks internet access. Allow the softphone access in the firewall settings.

Answering/rejecting calls using Bluetooth headset buttons doesn’t work.
sipgate doesn’t support Bluetooth button integration. Use Zoiper with the Pro feature for Jabra/Sennheiser/Plantronics headsets instead.

When ending calls via Bluetooth headset, the microphone remains active.
For the Sennheiser MB Pro 2, the microphone stays active after a call, draining the headset battery in 2–3 hours instead of 10–15.

Windows ➔ Sound ➔ Input: If devices are listed twice (“Speaker/Communication Device Hands Free”), select Communication Device Hands Free for both Windows and the softphone. Test calls to 10005.

Mac + Sennheiser MB Pro 1/2: The microphone mutes randomly during calls.
Use the headset with another VoIP app.

Calls fail with the message “Could not access microphone” / “Call failed: Microphone not found.”
The microphone lacks access to the softphone. Enable microphone access:
Windows Settings ➔ Microphone ➔ Allow apps to access the microphone: ON

If the issue persists, enable access for desktop apps:
Windows Settings ➔ Microphone ➔ Allow desktop apps to access the microphone: ON

For Kaspersky users: Ensure sipgate softphone is set to “Trusted” in the Program Control settings.

Outgoing calls immediately drop.
The error “SessionDescriptionHandler.getDescription failed” indicates no audio device is connected.
Connect a headset or webcam with a microphone and verify audio devices:
Windows ➔ Manage Audio Devices ➔ Ensure at least one input/output device is available.
Windows ➔ Sound Settings ➔ Assign an input/output device for softphone audio.

No push notifications when the softphone is minimized.
Enable push notifications under Softphone ➔ Settings. Also, check:
Windows ➔ Notifications & Actions ➔ Enable notifications for apps and sipgate softphone.

No audio prompt when dialing 10005.
Ensure the audio output device is correctly set in the operating system.
See “My voice is recorded, but I don’t hear the caller.”

I can't hear a prompt when calling 10005

Check your operating system’s audio output settings and ensure they are configured for the correct audio device.

See also: “my voice is recorded, but i can’t hear the person i called.”

My voice is not being recorded (wired headset)
The mute function might be active. disable it using the mute button on the headset or inline cable control. Alternatively, the headset might have been deactivated through lenovo software. Press fn + f4 to enable the microphone.
If the issue persists, check if the headset drivers are up to date or if the headset is defective. To confirm, test the headset with another application. If the issue affects other apps, the headset may need to be replaced.

My voice is not being recorded / I can’t hear the caller (bluetooth headset)
The headset might appear twice in the device list: once as a speaker and once as a communication device (“hands-free”).

To fix:

  • go to windows 10 ➔ settings ➔ sound ➔ sound control panel.
  • set “bluetooth headset communication device (hands-free)” as the default for playback and recording.
  • restart the softphone and test by calling 10005.

My voice is choppy, but I can hear the caller clearly
Insufficient bandwidth could be the cause. smooth transmission requires 60–100 kbps upload speed.

To improve:

  • disable uploads or allocate dedicated bandwidth.
  • switch from umts/lte to wi-fi/dsl if available.
  • try an alternative softphone like phonerlite for better performance.

My voice is transmitted, but I can’t hear audio from the caller
Check in Softphone ➔ audio settings if the correct audio device is selected.

If correct:

  • increase the volume in your windows audio settings or directly on the device.
  • verify if rtp/audio proxies are blocked by the hardware firewall and unblock them.
  • check if sip alg in your router/modem is preventing incoming rtp/audio packets and disable sip alg if necessary.

Microphone stays active after the call ends
After the windows 2004 update, privacy settings for the microphone may have changed. This could cause windows to indicate that the softphone is still using the microphone after a call, resulting in active webcam lights and lower system sounds.
To resolve, install the latest softphone version (1.10.27 or newer).

CRM + Click2Dial: Clicking on numbers opens another app
This occurs if a different app is set as the default phone app.

To fix:

  • go to windows ➔ default apps ➔ choose default apps by protocol ➔ tel:url:tel.
  • set the app to sipgate softphone.


  • only html-linked numbers are recognized.
  • only numbers without spaces can be called.

Example link: <a href="tel:+492111234567">+492111234567</a>.

CRM + Click2Dial: clicking on numbers opens no app
Cause: the CRM uses sip:/phone:/callto:, which is not currently supported.


  • use a crm that supports tel:.
  • set sipgate softphone as default under windows ➔ default apps ➔ choose default apps by protocol ➔ tel:url:tel.

Workaround: configure a voip app with sipgate credentials that supports sip:/phone:/callto:.

Error message: “the instruction at 0x00007FF6FC1D431E referenced memory at 0x00000295EF13F000. the memory could not be read.”
Likely caused by a second monitor. remove the second monitor to resolve the issue.

Softphone is installed but not listed under ‘apps & features’ for uninstallation
The softphone version may be outdated. check for updates or reinstall the softphone.


Fatal error at startup
Error:] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly....
This occurs due to missing root permissions for the chrome sandbox.
To fix:

  1. open a terminal and run:
    sudo chown root chrome-sandbox sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sanbox
  2. debian 10 “buster”:
    chmod +x sipgate.AppImage ./sipgate.AppImage --no-sandbox
  3. if using debian 10, update to debian 11.5.

Error: ./sipgate-softphone.AppImage: cannot execute binary file: Exac format error. 
This happens because the application is incompatible with arm or x86 chips. Use the webphone instead.

Auto-update loads, but new appimage is not created
The softphone image is in /usr/local/bin, where restricted permissions apply.

To resolve:

  • close the softphone and move the appimage file to “downloads.”
  • restart the softphone to trigger auto-update.
  • verify under softphone ➔ update if the new version is active, then relocate the appimage file to your desired directory. alternatively, manually download the appimage from the FAQ.

Unknown error aborted your call (ok)
Restart the app. The error should no longer occur.

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