What are the basic User settings?

  1. Assigning Numbers
    As a user, you cannot book phone numbers yourself, but you can use numbers assigned to you by your admin in your personal call routing. Simply put: you can decide which number rings on which device, set up call forwarding, and manage your voicemail. To get started, click on Telephony in the navigation menu on the left. This opens your personal routing diagram. By default, you’ll see all numbers and extensions assigned to you by your admin. Under Edit Routing, you can customize your numbers and call forwarding scenarios.

  2. Adding a VoIP Phone, Mobile Device, or External Phone
    To add a device, go to Telephony and click Add Device in the top-right corner. You can set up VoIP phones, mobile devices, or external phones.

  3. Configuring a VoIP Phone
    What’s the difference between adding a VoIP phone and configuring one? When you add a VoIP phone (as described in step 2), you create a telephony endpoint in your routing. However, this endpoint still needs to be connected to your desk phone, softphone, or another device for it to function. This connection is made during the configuration step. To configure your VoIP phone, click Edit Routing and select the device you want to configure. A pop-up box will appear with all the information you need for setup. Click the arrow next to your SIP-ID, which will take you to detailed configuration guides on our website.

  4. Activating a Mobile Device
    If you’ve added a mobile device (as in step 2), it needs to be activated with a SIM card or eSIM to work. Simply follow the steps in the setup dialog. If you want to use the device for mobile data, click on Mobile Network in the left-hand navigation menu and follow the instructions provided.

  5. The sipgate App CLINQ
    The sipgate app CLINQ is pre-configured with your telephony data, making it the fastest way to get started. Download the app, log in, and start making calls right away.

  6. Changing the User Interface Language
    To change the language of your user interface to English, navigate to My Telephony and click User Settings in the left-hand menu. Under Language, click Change and select your preferred language.

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