What are the IP and firewall settings for sipgate app CLINQ?

In most cases, the sipgate App CLINQ will work without any further configuration of routers and firewalls. However, especially in corporate networks, it may be necessary to make adjustments and configure releases. Below we have listed all gateways and ports that sipgate App CLINQ requires to connect to.

Regardless of this, the internet connection must fulfill the following requirements to enable smooth telephony:

  • A bandwidth of at least 100-400 kbps is required for downloads and uploads.
  • The response time should be faster than 270 ms, otherwise an offline message will appear in the client and no calls can be made.

Telephone calls – call setup (without audio)

The following is an overview of the domain, port and protocol used by the sipgate app for communication:

  • gateway.clinq.com + Port: 443 + TCP (call setup)
  • api.q.clinq.com + Port 443 + TCP (Negotiate codecs etc. before answering the call)
  • socket.clinq.com + Port 443 + TCP (CLINQ client↔Google server connection)
  • You can find the Google IP ranges here

Telephone calls – call accepted (with audio)

  • IP Range + UDP + Port range 10.000 - 60.000 (Audio)

The following fixed IP addresses are used:

SIP registration - displayed IP address of the connected device

When using the sipgate app CLINQ, the IP address of the VoIP device (visible on the web under “My Telephony”) may differ from the IP address of the desktop on which the app is running. This is because the SIP registration is not done directly through the client on your desktop, but is carried out through the app's backend services.


  • sipgate App Firebase (alle Logins): -
  • via Apple: www.apple.com + appleid.apple.com + Port 443 + TLS 1.2
  • via Microsoft: live.com + microsoftonline.com + microsoft.com + Port 443 + TLS 1.2

sipgate app CLINQ updates

Voice and signal encryption

Signals are encrypted using TLS, while encryption for speech is done using SRTP.


Errors and Solutions


Error Message



Logging in works, outgoing calls break off / incoming calls cannot be accepted.

"Audio connection could not be established, please check network and microphone."

Analysis 1: sipgate App Help Log renderer.log
- Call could not be dialed -> Saving local call event {error: 'Error: Timeout: Could build a webrtc connection.',
- [sip] Call could not be dialed -> Saving local call event {error: 'Error: Timeout: Could not build a webrtc connection in 10s.',


gateway.v2.clinq.com:443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

allow gateway.v2.clinq.com:443



Analysis 2: sipgate App Help Log renderer.log: Could not dial Error: Request timed out.

Firewall has temporarily blocked api.q.clinq.com + port 443 and/or blocked audio IP ranges

Allow api.q.clinq.com:443 and Audio IP Ranges. See above Telephone calls - call setup



Analysis 3: Temporary sipgate app malfunction.

Calls have error code 500 + Nexu 502 error message in logs

Report bug to sipgate App Support and wait for fix

Logging in works but an error message appears

"You are offline. Check your internet connection."

Analysis: sipgate App Help Logs renderer.log: [error] [ws] Socket error Error: websocket error false

socket.clinq.com + 443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow socket.clinq.com:443



Wifi on the train via LTE 80-200 km/h has +250 ms

Wait until you are at a main station and the train is at a standstill, then press CTRL+R/CMD+R or click on ‘Reload’

Could not connect to Google

"Could not connect to Google."

google.bridge.clinq.com + 443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow google.bridge.clinq.com:443

Could not connect to Microsoft

"Could not connect to Microsoft."

outlook-contacts.bridge.clinq.com + 443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow outlook-contacts.bridge.clinq.com:443

Data could not be saved

"Data could not be saved."

sipgate.bridge.clinq.com + 443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow sipgate.bridge.clinq.com:443

Integration Microsoft opens for 1 second and the window closes immediately.


microsoft.com and/or microsoftonline.com / live.com blocked by firewall

Allow microsoft.com, microsoftonline.com, live.com

Update could not be installed

"Update could not be installed."

s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com + 443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com



CLINQ.AppImage is located in a system folder without write permission

Move CLINQ.AppImage to Home Downloads, the update should now work.



CLINQ.dmg / CLINQ.exe was installed from NAS/network drive

Uninstall the sipgate app, copy sipgate App.dmg/exe from the network drive to your own hard drive, install, and start. The update should now be installed.

Outgoing calls not possible

"Call could not be started. Please check your network connection."

Analysis: sipgate App Log: renderer.log: [api] Could not create call event local-e580d81e-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx


gateway.v2.clinq.com:443 + TLS 1.2 blocked by firewall or filter

Allow gateway.v2.clinq.com:443



Analysis: sipgate App Logs renderer.log: [error] [ws] ⛔️ Socket disconnected transport close ( https://socket.clinq.com)

The device was not able to reconnect after hibernation/energy-saving mode, or network change

Close the sipgate app, restart it or press CMD+R/CTRL+R or go to the sipgate app Display "Reload’



incorrectly configured internet proxy

Disable the internet proxy and test the connection, then adjust the proxy settings.



VPN blocks the transmission

Test without VPN; if VPN problem, inform VPN admin



Docker set up with various network connections and misconfigured

Test the connection without virtual docker network cards, then check the docker settings.

Software-Firewall is blocking sipgate app CLINQ

"[error] [call] Could not build a web-rtc connection in 10s. Error: Could not get microphone stream"

Analysis: sipgate app → Help → Logs → renderer.log

(Software) firewall blocking the connection

Add the sipgate App CLINQ to the trusted apps in your (software) firewall.

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