How do I install the sipgate app on Linux?

On a Linux operating system, you don’t need an installation file for the sipgate app. Instead, you can simply launch the sipgate.AppImage file as an application. You can download this file using the following link. The prerequisite for using it is an AMD CPU.

Tip: However, you can install the AppImage file using the AppImage Launcher software. By doing this, you can set up the sipgate app to automatically start when Linux boots. You can refer to the Ubuntu Wiki Autostart guide for this.  

To start the sipgate app, follow these steps: Right-click on the sipgate.AppImage file and select Permissions. Then, enable the option Allow executing file as program. Afterward, you can start the sipgate app by simply double-clicking the sipgate.AppImage file.

Installation exception

There are some exceptions depending on your Linux distribution that need to be considered previous to the installation of the sipgate app:

  • For Ubuntu 22.04/23.04, install the Fuse2 packages with the command sudo apt install libfuse2 in the terminal.
  • For Debian 10, there is a workaround to start the sipgate app without a sandbox. Open the terminal and enter the command ./clinq.AppImage --no-sandbox
  • Alternatively, you can upgrade from Debian 10 to Debian 11.5 to start the sipgate app normally.

CLINQ AppImage + Click2Dial CLINQ chrome extension / Click2Dial tel:

Steps to manually link tel: and callto: with the sipgate app CLINQ:

  • Depending on your Linux distribution, the content and file paths may vary. Please check your distribution’s specific requirements.
  • Open the terminal and use the following commands to link "tel:" and "callto:" with the sipgate app CLINQ:

gio mime x-scheme-handler/tel sipgate-CLINQ.desktop

gio mime x-scheme-handler/callto sipgate-CLINQ.desktop

  • Example: Create a file labeled tel: callto: link.
  • Create a file .config/autostart/sipgate-CLINQ.desktop
  • and another file .local/share/applications/sipgate-CLINQ.desktop.
    The file might look like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=sipgate CLINQ
Exec=/opt/sipgate_CLINQ-1.9.5.AppImage %U //Versionsnummer anpassen

Enable notifications for the sipgate app CLINQ

To ensure you receive notifications from the sipgate app CLINQ on Linux, follow this path: Settings ➔ Notifications ➔ Files ➔ Enable all desired notifications.

Errors & solutions:

Error message when starting the app in the terminal:] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_sipgatkaQrRB/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755

Cause for Ubuntu 24.04: The Chrome sandbox requires root permissions.
Solution for Ubuntu 24.04: Assign root permissions to the sandbox:
$ sudo chown root chrome-sandbox
$ sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox

Workaround for Ubuntu 24.04: + terminal:

  • Start CLINQ via terminal with the additional argument --no-sandbox
  • start CLINQ via double-click instead of the terminal.

Cause for Debian 10: There is no chrome-sandbox folder.
Solution for Debian 10: Unknown.
Workaround for Debian 10:

  • Update to Debian 11.5 to start sipgate CLINQ normally, or start without sandbox via terminal: .clinq.AppImage --no-sandbox

Fedora 39 > 40 Update:
Starting via double-click hangs with an empty login window.
Starting via terminal shows: Could not load window main: / Error: ERR_FAILED.
Cause: Nouveau driver.
Solution: Remove and reinstall/sign Nvidia drivers.

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