Port Forwarding: BT HomeHubs

Port forwarding with a BT HomeHub 3, 4 or 5

If you've had problems with your phone registering online, with calls dropping or with audio loss, port forwarding the Local Ports used by your VoIP phone may provide a solution.

Before setting up port forwarding please take the following steps:

1. Set your VoIP phone or device to use non-default Local or Listen UDP ports.

If you've more than one VoIP phone behind the same router each should use different Local Ports.
Click these links for help changing your phone's local port settings:

Local Port selection

Changing your phone's Local SIP & RTP Ports

Below we'll assume you've used the Local/Listen SIP Port 46160 and Local RTP/Audio Ports 46104-46120. If you've used different values, please replace these below with your chosen values.

Using non-standard ports should avoid SIP ALG related issues.

2. Type in the browser of a computer connected to your Home Hub.

In your Home Hub, please open Advanced Settings --> Home Network --> Devices

In the list of connected devices click on your VoIP phone.

Click 'Yes' next to the "Always use this IP address".

For brief testing of port-forwarding as a solution this step and step 3 can be skipped, but should be completed later.

3. Set your phone to use the Reserved IP address above as its Static IP address.

Your phone's manual will detail the steps to take to assign it a Static IP Address.


Setting Up Port Forwarding:

Type the address into a web browser on a computer connected to the Home Hub

  • In your Home Hub's settings, click on Advanced Settings:

  • Click Continue to Advanced Settings and click on Port Forwarding:

  • Click Supported Applications:

  • Click on Add new Game or Application.
  • Tick the No button next to Copy an Existing Game or Application:
  • Use an identifiable name like 'SIPGATE' with the following values in the 'Game or Application Definition':

Protocol: UDP
Port Range: 46160
Translate To: 46160
Click Add and then Apply.

  • Click Add and then Apply.

  • Add a second Definition using the values:

Protocol: UDP
Port Range: 46104
Translate To: 46120

  • Click Add and then Apply.
  • Your settings should look like:

  • Click on Port Forwarding --> Configuration.
  • From the Game or Application list select SIPGATE.
  • In the Device list select 'User Defined IP Address'.
  • Enter the IP Address of your phone.

  • Click Add and then Apply

You've completed configuring port forwarding rules for your phone. Please take the following steps and then reboot your HomeHub and VoIP phone:

  • Disable UPnP if enabled:

  • Power your VoIP phone and router off and on.
  • After your router and phone power back on check that your changes have been retained.
  • Test with and without the STUN Server enabled in your phone's settings.


Further Help Guides & Information:

BT Customer Help - port forwarding guides: http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8790/~/how-do-i-set-up-port-forwarding-on-my-bt-hub

Port forwarding guides for many routers including BT routers are available at: www.portforward.com



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