How do I set up service times (time filters), holiday, and absence profiles (date filters) in Channels?

In this article, you will find information on how to set up service times (time filters), holiday, and absence profiles (date filters) in Channels. During these times, the channels routing is activated; outside of working hours, callers will receive an announcement or routed to another device.

Tip: This article summarizes information on configuring Channels with sipgate and provides an explanation of how channel routing works.


Set up service time (time filter)

In the first step, go to the account management section, select Channels, and choose the desired routing.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time1.png

In the next step, click on Time Filter and then on Edit times to adjust the service times.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time2.png

In the graph, you can set the service times by clicking on the desired day and adjusting the blue bar to match your working hours. Click on the pencil icon to rename your created time profiles. You also have the option to switch to a table view while creating time profiles. Then, click Save. sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time3.png

Tip: After setting the service times for a day, you can click on the copy icon under that day to apply these times directly to other days. This allows for a quick setup of time profiles if your service times are repetitive.

After adding the time profiles, the channel routing will be active during the specified service times. Outside these working hours, callers will hear an announcement or could be routed to a contact or a phone number. Finally, you can edit the announcement or set up call forwarding by clicking on the respective tile and selecting Change forwarding. Here, you have the option to choose a standard announcement, upload your audio file (up to 10 MB in MP3 format), or specify a phone number/contact for forwarding.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time4.png

Note: Currently, forwarding to voicemail is not possible with Channels.


Set up holiday and absence profiles (date filters)

You can not only set up specific time profiles for your channels but also configure automatic forwarding for holidays and/or various absences (such as vacations, company holidays, or training). The already configured time-based routing will be maintained and automatically used again after the holiday/absence. With the holiday profile, you can use convenient templates for holidays in your respective state to configure the routing in advance.

To do this, go to the Date Filter section in Channel-Routing.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time6.png

In the next step, select the type of absence.


There are already predefined templates for holidays in various states. Please select your country. Additionally, you have the option to choose specific holidays for your channel routing by checking the relevant boxes.

sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time8.pngFinally, similar to service times, you can either use a standard announcement, upload a personalized announcement (an MP3 file up to 10 MB), or set up call forwarding.

Note: Currently, forwarding to voicemail is not possible with Channels.

At the same location in the routing, you can also create an absence profile, such as for your vacation. sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time10.png

Give the new profile a name and select a time. You can also enter multiple periods for an absence at the same time.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time12.png

Finally, specify whether an announcement should be played during this period or if the call should be forwarded to a number/contact.

The configured date profiles in channel routing look like the following screenshot, and they can be changed at any time by clicking on the respective tile.sipgate-Hilfecenter-UK-channels-time14.png

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