Public Phones

You can set up phones without allocating them to a specific User. These phones can be located in a specific place that is used by many people such as a conference room.

To set up a phone without allocating it to a User, please use the following instructions:

  1. log in as an Account Administrator
  2. Click the Account Administration button to get into the Admin section of the account
  3. click Unlinked Phones 
  4. click the + Public Phones button
  5. in the following box give that phone a description
  6. the phone will appear in the list and is now ready to be configured
  7. select one of the public phones from the list to be taken to its page where you can configure the device to your needs (allocate a number, an extension, set call forwarding rules, etc.) 

Note: The amount of Public Phones you can add to your account depends on the team plan you've booked and is directly related to the amount of concurrent calls the account plan will allow. E.g. the amount of free endpoint phones/devices and hence the concurrent call level with an account with two users is four phones and four concurrent calls. Every additional telephone will be charged extra.

The devices per team plan can be allocated between users and Unlinked/Public Phones as you see fit, but cannot exceed the maximum allowed plan devices total.

Functionalities of Public Phones/Unlinked Phones

Public Phones/Unlinked Phones aren't allocated to a specific user or group, so these phones do not have access to the features usually seen on a user or group profile.

Since users and not phones/devices are added to the group function, then Public/Unlinked phones cannot be added to a Group.

Public/Unlinked phones cannot be allocated a specific Voicemail, but can route to a voicemail via the use of its Voicemail, Call Forwarding & Hunting options.

Extensions and phone numbers, call forwarding, Caller ID and 999 Emergency settings can all be set up for Public/Unlinked Phones.

Use as an analog fax or video phone

If you would like to use your public phone as an analog fax or video phone without a user, then please proceed as follows:

  • Please click on Advanced Settings
  • Activate Feature by sliding "Use with analog fax or video-enabled device" to yes

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