Assign a Phone Number to a Fax Device

You have the option to choose which phone number(s) you want to use to send faxes with.

It's only possible to use phone numbers that have not already been allocated to other devices, as assigning a number that has already allocated will only remove it from the device that it's currently associated with.

Add a number to a User Fax Device

There are two ways in which you can do this:

Option 1:

  • Choose the user for whom you wish to allocate a phone number to by clicking the small arrow at the top-right corner of the navigation bar
  • Click Assign Numbers in the navigation bar
  • Click "Add phone number" and you’ll be forwarded to the Phone numbers section in the Account Administration area
  • Follow the steps as described below under Option 2

Option 2:

  • Go to Account Administration
  • Click on Phone numbers
  • In the phone number overview select which phone number you wish to assign to a user
  • all numbers on the account not yet allocated are marked "does not ring any phone"
  • click "click here"
  • In the pop up window you have the option to choose where to allocate the number to 
  • Choose your fax device connection that you've created





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