Assigning Phone or Extension Numbers to Users

There a few different ways to assign a phone or extension number to a User within a sipgate account:

Phone Numbers

As an account administrator using the Account Administration option via the Navigation bar

  • Log into your account using your Administrator log in details
  • Click Account Administration in the top right-hand corner
  • Click on Phone numbers
  • You will now see an overview of all numbers on the account
  • Numbers not allocated will have the text - "does not ring any phone click here", so "click here" 
  • A pop up box will appear which will allow you to choose to which user, group, etc., you want the number allocated to
  • Select the option where you want number to route
  • Click Save routing

 Allocating numbers from within the User settings (user personal settings)

  • Log into your account using your Administrator log in details
  • Choose the user you want to allocate the number to from the drop down option at the top of the Navigation menu
  • Click on Assign Numbers
  • In the "ASSIGN NUMBERS" column you'll find the option "Add phone number", Click this.
  • You will now be directed to "phone numbers" account overview
  • Numbers not allocated will have the text - "does not ring any phone click here" Click on the "click here" 
  • A pop up box will appear which will allow you to choose to which user or group etc you want the number allocated to. 
  • Select the option where you want number to route
  • Click Save routing

Important: If you select a phone number that's already assigned to a User or Group phone, the phone number will be removed from that User/Group and assigned to your User's numbers.



Only Administrators are able to allocate extensions in a sipgate account 

To allocate a user/group etc an extension number, please:

  • In the users Navigation bar, click on Assign Numbers
  • In the "ASSIGN NUMBERS" column you'll find the option "Add extension number", Click this.
  • A pop up box will appear which will allow you to enter the extension you want to use. 
  • Click Save





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