How do I check my voicemail?
You can check your Voicemails by
- Calling your sipgate voicemail number from your VoIP Phone.
- Listen online or download voicemails from your Event List.
- Secure polling: remotely from other networks by calling your sipgate phone number.
- Setting up email notifications containing an MP3 copy of the voicemail.
From your Event List, click on the Voicemail row entry, where you can
- Listen to the voicemail in your browser.
- Download the voicemail to your computer as an mp3.
- Listen to the voicemail using your VoIP phone
Checking Voicemail from your VoIP Phone
To check your personal voicemail call 55000 from your VoIP Phone. If you have both a personal and shared Group voicemails, each Group voicemail will have a different number. Visual MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) can also be enabled with the majority of VoIP phones.
Checking Voicemail from other networks
You can call your sipgate phone number from other networks to listen to your voicemails. Once you hear your voicemail greeting message, press ** to access your voicemail's menu. To access your voicemail from other phone networks you'll need a PIN number.
Setting up your PIN
- Click Voicemail from your User settings or Group settings
- Enter a 4 digit PIN and click OK
Calling without your PIN
Your PIN will not be requested when calling from phone numbers you enter here. Listen to voicemails for free with your VoIP phone or online in your sipgate account.