How can I manage and record Voicemail Greetings for my VoIP account?
User Voicemail
To record a voicemail greeting from your VoIP phone
- Dial 55000 to access your voicemail box settings
- Dial 2 to select the menu option: To manage your Voicemail
- Dial 2 to select the menu option: Record Your Personal Outgoing Message
- After the tone recording will start. When you've finished recording your greeting and press the # key.
- Follow the remaining prompts to save your new voicemail greeting
You can choose whether to use the standard greeting for missed calls or set a personalized one. If you opt for a custom greeting, you can record it directly in your account (Click2Record) or upload an MP3. To do this, go to your Voicemail under Telephony. Then click the cogwheel option next to Default Announcement.
The following options are available
- Upload an mp3 - Using one of your own mp3 files. To upload an mp3 file, click on Upload mp3 and choose an mp3 file from your hard drive.
- Click2Record - Click on the Click2Record button and your phone will then ring. After the announcement, you can record your voicemail greeting.
- Call your voicemail number from your VoIP Phone, select 2 to manage your voicemail options and follow the prompts.
- You can also select a standard announcement.
- Finally, click on Save to complete the changes.
Multiple greetings can be uploaded for later use.