Are there numbers that can't be called from sipgate?

Yes, there are some numbers which are not be reachable from the sipgate network due to various operational, legal, and billing related reasons. 

Non reachable numbers

It is not possible to call the following phone numbers from your sipgate account: 

  • We cannot guarantee non-geographic numbers outside the UK will be reachable. This is because intermediary carriers on the international call leg or local carriers may be unable or will choose not to route the call, often for billing reasons.
  • 070 xxxx xxxx UK Personal Numbers. These numbers are not reachable from sipgate due to the high cost to call them and their easy confusion with 07xx UK mobile numbers. 
  • 09xx UK 'Premium Rate' Service Numbers. 09xx numbers can cost up to £3.60 a minute to call. 09xx UK numbers are not reachable from your sipgate account. 
  • 101 Police non emergency number and most other 1xx non emergency helpline numbers are presently not reachable from sipgate - The NHS Direct 111 number is reachable from sipgate.
  • 118 Directory Enquiry Numbers. Some 118 numbers can cost several pounds per minute to call and are not reachable from sipgate. 
  • For calls to 084x and 087x Service Numbers we charge clear standard per minute rates*(See Note1). Some 084x and 087x Service Numbers cost more than sipgate charges to call them. These high cost Service Numbers numbers are unreachable from sipgate.  
  • Due to circumstances outside of our control some numbers may unreachable due to issues on the destination network's side. Problems outside of sipgate's control may at times arise with calls placed to countries with less developed local telecommunications infrastructure. 
  • Calls to premium rate numbers outside the UK are not possible.

Important, please Note: If a foreign non-UK freephone number is reachable from sipgate you will be charged our standard per minute landline call rate to that country. 


Unable to reach an 084x or 087x number? 

If this is happening then it's likely the number you're calling costs more to ring than we charge for calls to that destination*(see Note1). In this case, the number will not be reachable from sipgate. 

Possible solution(s):

Due to recent regulatory change companies must now provide customers with an 01xx, 02xx or 03xx contact number that existing customers can call at their phone company's standard landline rate. 

Maybe the company you are calling have already moved to an 03xx number that can be called at landline rates?

Maybe there's a regional office with a local number you can call, or a UK landline contact number described as for callers from abroad? 


* Note 1:

The sipgate  service's current per minute charges to call 084x and 087x numbers from sipgate are: 

0844        4.9 p/min*

0845        2.9 p/min*

0870        6.9 p/min* 

0871        9.9 p/min*

* All prices exclude UK VAT





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